
Konferenca AI4GOOD

Na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko s Huaweijem organizirajo podlevno konferenco AI4Good. Odvijala se bo 26. septembra ob 12.30 v predavalnici 1. Izkušeni predavatelji iz akademskega sveta in podjetij bodo predstavili trende razvoja umetne inteligence in položaj domače stroke na tem področju. Predstavljenih bo tudi nekaj uspešnih primerov iz prakse. Konferenca se bo zaključila z okroglo […]

Language Technologies & Digital Humanities 2018 conference

Language Technologies and Digital Humanities conference is taking place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana on 20 and 21 September 2018. The conference has more than 20-year tradition, and in 2016, the thematic expansion to digital humanities was introduced. The main topics include but are not limited to: Speech and other mono- and multilingual language […]

Information Society 2018 multiconference

The traditional Information Society multiconference will take place 8-12 October 2018 at Jožef Stefan Institute. Two conferences are particularly interesting for SLAIS members: Slovenian conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCUI) invites papers on all topics of artificial intelligence. It also invites authors of papers published in the last year at prominent international conferences on artificial intelligence to […]

Seminar: Anaphora and coreference resolution: still a hard nut to crack?

Today at 16:15 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in the P21 lecture hall, Ruslan Mitkov will lecture about anaphora and coreference resolution. Anaphora and coreference resolution are arguably among the most challenging Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Research in anaphora resolution and coreference resolution has focused almost exclusively on the development and […]

SLAIS general assembly

SLAIS general assembly will be held on 2018-02-13 at 13:00 in the Orange Room of Jožef Stefan Institute. Agenda: Selection of the assembly chair Report on the work in the past year by the SLAIS chair Report on financial activities by the secretary and treasurer Report by the supervisory board Plan of work for the next year Miscellaneous At the […]

Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Informatica anniversary issue on artificial intelligence

The traditional Information Society multiconference is approaching – it will take place 9-13 October 2017 at Jožef Stefan Institute. Two conferences are particularly interesting for SLAIS members: Slovenian conference on Artificial Intelligence accepts submissions until 5 September. It also invites authors of papers published in the last year at prominent international conferences on artificial intelligence to […]

FRI Research Talks: Why is mobile gait analysis not a closed book?

On Thursday, 2017-08-03, at 14:15 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in P20 lecture hall, Christine Martindale will talk about mobile gait analysis. This is a well-known area with publications regarding applications in the medical field for groups such as the elderly and Parkinsons patients, and on the fitness side, running applications and […]

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